How Swinging Came To Be
The term swinging comes from the United States and was first used in the 50s. The first association was formed in the 60s and was called The Sexual Freedom League o California. Over the years, more associations were formed across the United States with the good help of the hippie movement and the slogan "Make love, not war".
In 1977 Larry Levenson opened the first recognized swingers club in New York. Plato's Retreat was a success before the authorities shut down the club.
A lot has happened in the swinger movement, but most of it stems from Larry's Plato's Retreat. The documentary film American Swing tells the story of Larry Levenson, Plato's Retreat and the history of the swinger movement.
In the 80s, a lot of swingers clubs were opened all over the USA and the rest of the world followed in the 90s. Today there are associations and clubs in most countries around the world. There are now also holiday resorts for swingers, special cruise trips and swingers are now considered a special target group in tourism.
Swinging is a form of social gathering where sex is part of the experience but today is about much more than that. For many swingers, the social and chemistry and getting to know and socialize with other like-minded people is also important.
Many hang out at private parties and many clubs have special themed nights that start with eating and drinking before moving on to swinging.
In Denmark today, there are clubs that are up to 1000 square meters in size and about 10 in number. In other countries there are significantly larger and more luxurious clubs, for example in Germany, Holland, Austria and Switzerland. These clubs usually have saunas, swimming pools or Jazzuci. France, Spain, Great Britain and Belgium are also countries where there are plenty of fine clubs.
The USA, Asia and Australia also have clubs, but in Muslim and Catholic countries, swinging is not widespread and in some countries prohibited.
In Norway, it is usually private parties that apply and the number of clubs is few.
Today, swinging has become increasingly accepted and you can meet people from all social groups and ages. However, the most common age for swingers is between 35-55 years.
If you see how the development has gone in the swingers' world, we can expect that there will be more and more clubs in Sweden and that swinging will become increasingly accepted.