All About Swing by Dr. Swing, Part 1.
Welcome to the world of Swingers
Perhaps it may surprise many, but there are people who live in a relationship with a partner they love but still have sex with others. This is the swinger lifestyle.
This doesn't work for everyone, but for some it makes them grow together and live life to the fullest.
Maybe you just think that your sex life is boring or casual or you are interested in what else you can do in sex. You may be curious about swingers and want to know more about how it works.
Regardless, let's start with some basics about what swinging is and how it works.
Ask yourself, is sex fun or awesome? Have you ever found other people attractive? Are you prepared to follow rules and boundaries? If you answered yes to these questions, you have the basic prerequisites to become a swinger.
Swinging is non-monogamous sexual relationships distinguished from infidelity by the knowledge and consent of those involved.
You and your partner should see sex as something natural, wonderful and fun. You should see sex with other like-minded people who have the same attitude as you as something wonderful and wonderful. Not everyone shares this point of view, and we're not saying they're wrong, but swingers see this in a more positive way.
However, swinging should not only be seen as something that is only about sexual pleasure, but also about communication, community and consent.
Communication is very important, not only with your partner but also with others. Life is short, swingers want to live life as much as possible.
You may still be hesitant about swinging. Society has an ingrained view that sex should be between two parties where the other party is your partner. You may have heard that people who have sex with others are loose, light on their feet, etc. But don't worry, more and more people are realizing that sex is something natural and not something to be ashamed of but something to affirm.
Polygamy, open relationships and swinging are starting to get more and more attention and respect. Society likes to lump sex and romance together as one thing, but in reality they are two completely unique things. Yes sometimes we can use sex to show our romance to the one we love but they are still two different things.
Swingers understand that sex is fun, just this physical fun. It's not romance or love and certainly not something that makes your feelings for your partner change or diminish, you still love him or her.
It's like with food, you have a favorite dish that your partner makes. But you don't want to eat the same dish for the rest of your life. Sometimes you want to try another good dish, sometimes eat at home and sometimes eat out. It doesn't mean that you don't like your favorite dish less, but rather the opposite, you don't get tired of always eating your favorite dish, but by also eating other things, you don't get tired of your favorite dish. And why not invite others to your favorite dish and see if they appreciate it as much as you do.
No matter how much you love your partner, you may find others sexy and attractive, this is something completely natural. Sex with others can also spice up your sex life with your partner and you grow together.
Although swinging has its advantages, it is not for everyone. Swinging has its risks. All relationships have their weak points and swinging can challenge these weak points. Meeting other swingers is fun but the primary goal is to strengthen and improve your relationship with your partner.
The best way to avoid misunderstandings and damage to your relationship is to be honest and open about what you like, your expectations and what you are afraid of. Honesty and communication are key. The last thing you want is to damage your relationship and trust in each other.
So if you already have problems in your relationship, you should slow down. Swinging will not solve your already existing problems, it can make them worse. Make sure that before you start swinging that you are in agreement and have the same attitude. It will definitely not work if one partner wants to have sex with others and the other doesn't.
If you have a boring sex life, first think through whether it is to spice up your sex life that you need or if there are other underlying issues and if so solve these before you start swinging.
Swinging is a big step in any condition, so take your time and take it easy. Set up your game rules for each other beforehand. It's best to proceed carefully and see what you both like and don't like.
Be honest with each other about your boundaries and what is and isn't allowed. And respect your partner's wishes.
Your partner is sexy and beautiful and will do sexy things with others and you need to be comfortable with this and appreciate what you will see and experience. You should be proud to have such a beautiful and sexy partner that others like and turn on but who is yours, only yours in other respects.
You will likely meet other nice people who share your interest in swinging and sex and with whom you can hang out both with and without clothes.
Another positive thing about swining is that the risk of your partner being unfaithful is reduced, i.e. having sex with someone else without your knowledge.
So if you both feel that your relationship is healthy and you are open to trying something new and exciting, swinging can be something that enriches your lives. You can discover new and exciting things and get to know new people who feel the same as you. You make new sexual contacts and friends with whom you can hang out in relaxed conditions.
After each completed swinger event, you will go home with a memory for life that you share with your loved one. This strengthens your relationship and makes you experience even more exciting events.