All About Swing by Dr. Swing, Part 3.
Why swing?
It is easy for the focus to be on sex when it comes to swingers and of course sex is an important component within the swinger community.
But it's so much more than just sex when it comes to swing, it's also about community with other like-minded people and making new friends etc.
Many who have been in the swinger world for years have never had sex except with their partner.
They are there because it is a wonderful community in a relaxed environment. It is enough for them to attend parties and feel the excitement and eroticism that arises.
As an adult, it is difficult to find new real friends. Most people you meet in adulthood become superficial acquaintances. But within the swinger world you can meet others with whom you become real friends and hang out with even outside the swinger world. Then there are those who draw a line between their normal life and swingers and do not mix these.
Sex is a big part of swing, but also everything around it, not least planning and the expectations before a party or event. Many swingers find just this, the foreplay before and the planning and expectations, as the best and which they share with their partner.
It can be difficult to understand that sex with others outside of the relationship with one's partner can strengthen the relationship, but it is. You share something together, you are open and honest with your partner and you experience wonderful moments together that make you grow as a couple.
Swinging can also boost one's ego. You may have low self-esteem and don't feel attractive, but after a party where you get attention from others and receive compliments and more, your self-confidence grows. Hear how sexy you look, what a nice outfit you have, how beautiful you are, etc.
So why do people swing? The simplest answer is because it's fun. There are also more complicated answers such as whether monogamy is really natural for humans. Only 9% of all mammals are monogamous and 84% of different people groups were polygamous before Western values took over.
Swinging is a wild journey, you can really experience memorable and exciting moments in the swinger world. That threesome you had in your youth will pale in comparison to the new experiences you will experience. Things that you have only been able to dream about or see on film, you will get to experience in real life.
So the reasons to become a swinger are many and you have a lot to gain and little to lose by not taking the plunge to try.