Naturist, yes!
Many swingers see nudity as something natural and are also naturists, nudists or nude bathers.
But what is naturism?
Naturism is a philosophy and a way of life where clothing is used as little as possible. Naturists want to experience the harmony of nature and see physical, psychological and often also ideal values in naked recreation in nature.
In 1974, an international definition of naturism was adopted: "Naturism is a lifestyle in harmony with nature. It is characterized by the practice of communal nudity and aims to encourage self-esteem, respect for others and for the environment".
Naturism and nudism are similar but with some differences. Nudist is often used for someone who wants to be naked all the time, for example at home, while naturist is used for those who choose to be naked on occasion, for example if the weather is nice and you are swimming.
But naturism is not just about sunbathing and swimming naked, it is about being naked with other people and doing things that you usually only do clothed.
In Sweden, Gustaf Fröding propagated a free view of nudity through e.g. the poem "A morning dream" in 1896. The same year he also walked naked through a hotel in Stockholm. And with Albert Engström and Verner Von Heidenstam he bathed naked at Sandhamn.
The poem has many bottoms. Basically, it is a criticism of the time's, and not least the church's, view of morality, nudity and sexuality.
" And like the bud of Aries' rose one spring
their clouding leaves from the pistils strike
before sun, before winds and seeds
she lay naked and the rash was beautiful
and with wide apart knees and with trembling bosom
where the beloved's desire was met.
Soul in flame, blood in dance
he was hers, she was his
he became she, she became he,
one and all and two,
when his young power of man
penetrated her".