Swedish swinger couple answers
Changing partners and swinging have become increasingly popular in Sweden. Today there is everything from private gatherings to public clubs, where you as a couple or single can try being with other partners.
And for those of you who don't know what swinging is, it's a lifestyle that involves participating in sexual activities where more than one partner is involved. Often it is also about changing partners.
Swinging is also not limited to partners of the opposite sex, but there is room for women in particular to live out a bisexuality. For men, it is generally not as common, although it also happens.
A Swedish couple now chooses to answer curious people's questions regarding swinging, and the answers may not be what you expected! If you had even expected anything, that is. All questions and answers can be found below!
Which do you think is most enjoyable – private parties or going clubbing, and if so; Do you have a favorite club? What rules do you have when you meet others?
The answer:
"For our part, both clubs and private parties have their advantages. Clubs are good for meeting people and maybe a little spontaneity with new acquaintances. Private parties have the advantage that you usually know each other and are more on the same level. In clubs, there are quite a few couples who "just" have sex with each other and get excited by the environment. That's how it started for us too so there's nothing wrong with that, but at our private parties it's only couples who have partner changes, group s*x and the like. It's fun no matter what, but private parties often get more kinky with a*als*x, sp*rmakladd, DP and other things that the old man and I get into. Private parties at home or in hotels are nice. Becomes a more intimate feeling if it is a good composition. Clubs can be good, as there is often little equipment there. However, people are generally more reserved there. Rules are nothing a*als*x with others unless we agree on it then and there.”
Do you only meet couples or do you invite some singles as well for private meetings or maybe just singles for threesomes?
The answer:
"For our part, we like meetings with a few singles as well and preferably with a small excess of single guys. Also meets some single guys privately for threesomes and smaller GB with a maximum of four guys extra. Tried once with ten guys on a theme night at Amante. I thought it was lovely to see the wife so redecorated, but nothing she wants to redo. Simply not her thing as she thought it became a bit impersonal.”
Do you have a nice or cool memory you want to share?
The answer:
"We always go on dates together, however we have mostly been in separate cabins on a swingers cruise (partner change). At private parties, we may end up in different rooms. Here the man is straight and the woman is bi. It happened a few weeks ago that the woman sucked another man and the man in the party helped to suck. Nothing we light on, but neither are we disturbed by it.”
What do you do with photos and films? In clubs it's forbidden, but at private meetings my hubby thinks it's fun to photograph and film a bit if everyone agrees.
The answer:
"When we have a party at home, the camera can come up, but then of course we talk about it and those who don't want to be seen turn their heads away or that faces don't get in the picture."
How exciting that sounds! Are you curious and interested, how do you go about it? Are a married couple living in the Uppsala area.
The answer:
"Talk, talk, talk to each other about what you want and don't want. The first time it can be good to go to a club and just feel the atmosphere. Just because you're in a club doesn't mean you have to interact with others, many choose to just watch others or be by themselves. We started by meeting single guys before making the leap to couples.”
How is the standard of swingers in general? In terms of appearance, then? When I have seen "reportage" on programs such as "Ask Olle" or similar programs, I got the impression that it is really ugly and/or overweight people who are overrepresented in such contexts. Does it match your picture?
The answer:
"Not correct at all. There are all types, but you should bear in mind that there are very few people who want to show off that they are swingers, love GB and the like, so there will always be a skewed image in the media."
Do you use a condom when you swing?
The answer:
“Didn't always do it as a single but now as a married couple we always do. It was of course very stupid not to use a condom, but when I, as a single, met couples or was in GB or a movie, it was quite often a request that it be without a condom, which I foolishly agreed to as I have a kink for sp* rmaleks and many men, especially in cold-like situations, want to fuck freshly squirted feet or that the wife comes home with sperm in her. Have also witnessed bareback g*ngbang in clubs, privately and during filming. Something I'm getting started on, but which isn't entirely smart."
I would like to be spanked by the man in front of others, is there interest in that kind of thing in clubs?
The answer:
"Yes, that kind of thing is usually appreciated. Someone standing at the cross always attracts a bit of an audience.”
Are the women wearing stay-ups and high heels? Or what does clothing look like?
The answer:
"Many have stayups and high heels, but not all. However, most women wear some form of sexy underwear. We were at a club this weekend with the theme Heels & Stockings.”
Swingers have always aroused great curiosity in both men and women. Is it perhaps something you would like to try? Then don't forget to share the article with your partner!